Week highlight...or highlights
(because I think there were two)
So, we have been on a world journey in 3rd grade arriving just last week in France. As we are gathered around the 'back table', a young girl leans in and asks me "Mrs. Angelopoulos, did the young boy give you his suitcase yet?"
My response was, "no, not yet".
Seriously....THEY BELIEVE in these two characters taking them around the world.
Second: "Mrs. Angelopoulos, when I was in 1st grade I wondered what will I learn in gym, you know, PE. What will I learn in music, in art? Now I know. I learn about different places in the world." 3rd grade boy.
First Grade: When you gotta go....
We have started our adventure with Anna in Anna's Art Adventure! Anna has one big problem. Even though her uncle Harold specifically mentioned, "and no going to the bathroom". But when you gotta go, you gotta go and all the first graders agreed that we must inch away and find the bathroom. But first, of course, we have to discuss the work of Ellsworth Kelly and Red, Yellow Blue II.
Second Grade: Skin...because we were invincible
In the progression of our self-portraits, the students had to study their own tone of skin. With an assortment of skin tones of paint (but we 2nd graders know we are not made of paint) thoughtfully discerned the most appropriate skin tone for themselves. I have to say...these little buggers are blowing me away!
First/ Second Bilingual: Sharing, Cooperating and making projects together
These students were a bit surprised this week. For the past couple of weeks they have been molding, painting and designing their necklaces. Well, in the spirit of the theme, all of the beads, they worked soooo hard to make....were thrown in a bucket. "Blindfolded" they reached in and grabbed a bead. Some were happy. Some...not so much. :) In an effort to emphasize listening, following directions and doing your best, always, we discussed what happened? Continuing the notion with thoughtful reflection of what we need to do as a group to create a good community. Paper plates will become the 'beads' for their class 'community necklace'. Each 'bead' expresses one thing, each student can do to be part of a good community: Share: I will share markers. It may not sound like much, but it demonstrates oodles.
Third Grade: Berets and Fake Mustaches

I mean really....how else will we embody a French artist? With passports in hand, they entered the art room, reviewed all the wonderful historical sites of France and began work on becoming French artists... ..... mademoiselles and monsieurs...of course. We are now ready for Cezanne and his astonishing apples.
Fourth Grade: Sketching the Crime Scene
This week they were given their "assignment":
Recreate the 'crime scene' from your home, using the style and characteristics of Henri Matisse!
You must have: one window with a view, one table with a vase and fruit, one curtain, wallpaper and carpet.....
Fifth Grade: Documenting 'Pre-historic Palatine"
As groups of pre-historic, Paleolithic peoples, the fifth grade students explored the idea of what would be important to leave as an image of life now...as fifth grade students, living in Palatine, in 2012. Needless to say, we had a discussion about whether Ben n' Jerries was really something important enough to leave as a message for when the 'cave' is discovered 50,000 years from now.....the debate continues.
Sixth Grade: Precisely, Popular Me and spinning a bowls
The intensity in their faces is just amazing! I mean, they are set on perfecting these logos. Along with their art project, everyday one 6th grader sits behind a potter's wheel and spins. With a bit of my guidance and some really steady hands, they are coming out marvelously. It will takes us a while, but by the end of the year, every 6th grade student will have thrown, spun and glazed some sort of vessel.
MILE: bubble prints and the beginning of scarecrows

This was fun. These students really need tactile experiences and what better what but with some soap, paint and straws! We only had one major spill and one take a sip....NOT BAD! Super easy and super great....fill a bucket with some water, squirt some dish soap, squirt some paint and start blowing through a straw. Once it's bubbly and overflowing, set a piece of paper on top. Remove and....Bubble prints!

From the snapshots, we (the adults) did most of the bubbling. But it really did not matter....each student loved the experience.
We also started our scarecrows....The students cut the hats, tore the patches for the hats and glued on the yarn for hair. All was attached to a paper plate. Seriously, some googly eyes, raffia and a smile....we will be done. And those nasty crows won't know which way to go! Beware blackbirds.....beware......
Check back next week:
First Grade: will meet a man that hasn't been to the bathroom in over 400 years!
Second Grade: will complete their self-portraits and reflect on "who am I"
First/ Second: will begin a mural and set goals
Third Grade: will open the ARTbox and explore shading the form of an apple
Fourth Grade: will get ridiculous with pattern
Fifth Grade: will create the walls of a cave
Sixth Grade: will continue....work days are good!
MILE: will scare crows away from the school
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xoxo, SMocK you.