So, life caught up with me back in the spring and posting came to a screeching halt. To make up for slacking off, a bit, I offer some snapshots from my art lessons last spring. It is really a few months ago, but with the new year starting, and as art teachers prepare their lesson plans here are some ideas....? :)
Or at least one.

Understanding Modern Art by Connecting to Not-So Modern Art
5th grade students explored the world of Modern Art and tried to make some sort of sense of it. This extensive and in-depth lesson started with looking at 18th-19th century American still life paintings. They were beautiful, realistic and perfect. Well...What happened? In the early 20th century, a big art show made an enormous splash on the east coast, altering and questioning Art. What changed? Why? Who?
These questions engaged my students' thinking and challenged their perception of art and paintings.

The results were remarkable.

(lesson power point :-) )
More from the archives soon.
Have a great year!
xoxo, SMocK you.